25. My favourite photo of my grandparents (reference photo can be seen in my post history), M9 tattoo, Melbourne, Australia.

24. Avocado done by Ian Reynold at Castro Tattoo, San Francisco.

23. Bumblebee by Marvoy at 1130 Tattoo in Prague

22. Just had this little fella done today by the one and only Becca Mills in platinum ink Longford. Isn’t he the cutest

21. Tenticle Abomination Cthulu work in progress, Done by Kody Flannery Of Monarch Tattoo in Richland, WA. (Next session will be adding lots of geometry, touch ups, color and more shading.)

20. Update: session two. By Kurt Brown at the Gallery Tattoo Studio, Concord, MA.

19. My two bears, by Vlad at Old London Road Tattoos, London

18. Bloodborne Saw Cleaver (extended) by Tala Easton at Occult Tattoo, Worthing UK

17. First Tattoo | Done by Alex Freeman | Davis Street Tattoo in Dallas Texas | 3 hours

16. My fresh new tattoo! Absolutely love how it turned out. By Van and High Caliber Tattoo in Kennewick, WA.

15. Old school Globe done by Jaycee love at Dor Stocker Tattoo, Kent

14. Spider-Man/Venom by Rich at Deerheart Collective, UK

13. Callisto by Bret Bloom at Truth Ink Tattoos in Fort Wayne, Indiana

12. Anyone recognize the little guy? Done by Nilay from Dead Parrot Tattoo in Düsseldorf

11. Nautilus done by Joby Cummings at Speakeasy Tattoo, Chicago

10. Traditional Bear/Dagger tattoo. Courtesy of Richard Cawkwell, Skin Deep, Cleethorpes, UK.

09. Harley Morrissey / Depression Ink/ Stouffville ON

08. Northern Lights by Fred Legarda at Self Made, Colorado Springs, CO

07. Peonies and Snake by Yuuz at Le jardin de Zihwa in Sydney, Australia

06. Atlas tattoo done by Remi at Gus Tattoo in Montreal.

05. Psychedelic cephalopod, erik Jacobsen, dark ages tattoo, Seattle WA

04. “Stress” by Chris at Revelation Tattoo in Hatfield, Pennsylvania. Original art by u/sasquatchinheat !

03. My witchy lemon squeeze tattoo by Shannon Perry at Valentine’s Tattoo Shop in Seattle, WA

02. Rage Against the Machine Tat Cat by Josh Bovender at Honor & Glory tattoo Inman, SC

01. Need a name for my Bee. Done by Bethany Lackey at Selfmade Tattoo in Jacksonville, NC