Eye tattoos look glories on days and nights, it gives you another eye literally. Who doesn’t like to have a third eye on his forehead. Indian god Shiva is said to have the third on forehead and slowly but surely western world has taken a step further with taking eye tattoos to the next level.
Today on Tattoos Luv we feature the most beautiful eye tattoo designs that you can get on any part of your body. In our collection you will see more than fifty ideas on body parts like – forearms, chest, back, shoulders, legs, stomach, sleeves and many other.
I hope these eye tattoo ideas inspire you a lot and you get to a point where you say yes to a fabulous eye tattoo on your skin. The idea of watching things round the clock totally suits here.
Beautiful Eye Tattoo Designs and Ideas
100. The Flame of the West by Josh Thivierge @ Raygun Samurai Tattoo in Bethlehem, PA

99. An eye catcher. Done by Lee Reynolds, Lights Out Tattoo Shop, Leeds UK

98. Pink’s eye by Steph at Ink Gallery Woodland Park, NJ

97. Done by Jackson Henry of Fresh Image in Rowlett, Texas.

96. TOOL inspired Third Eye done by Nick @ American Tradition Tattoo. Sacramento, CA.

95. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Done by Michael Williams at Resurrection Tattoo in Austin, TX y’all.

94. The Worst Pies in London- done by Darryl Mullen at Black Cobra Tattoo in Glasgow

95. New ones By quaid ricketts, pins n needles tattoo shop, United Kingdom, Kent

94. Location Bulgaria, Pomorie. My first big piece (not an unique design but I fell in love with it) Lettering is mine

93. Fresh mystery staircase by Bart Leonard of Great Day Tattoo Indiana

92. My calf sleeve (WIP) by Michael Caron, Tragedy to Triumph Tattoo, Springfield Mo

91. Sleeve finished, two sessions 6 months apart. Tattoos by Jordan Jones, No Quarter Tattoo, Lexington, KY, US.

90. my first color by Leah Luten at Zombie Joe Tattoo in N. Forth Worth, TX

89. ‘our eyes have lost their color’ Chiodos lyrics by Katie Bordreaux at Ink Gallery in Lafayette, LA, US

88. By Kaela Moggey @politeslut at Pansy Poke Tattoo Collective in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

87. 3rd Eye Witch. Done by Ed in Legend Tattoo Studio, Ballina, Mayo, Ireland.

86. New piece done by Giulia at Rich in Flesh in Livermore, CA

85. Take me away, Skyler Espinoza, Title Tattoo Studios, Aurora CO

84. Made by @alexjonestattoo in Padua (Italy), reference on the right a friend hand-drew it on my arm with gouache two years ago and the artist managed to recreate the same design and effect

83. Watermelon lightning bolt to commemorate my 1st 100k ultra marathon. By Dan Morrison @ Urban Ink in Southampton UK

82. The left hand of glory. By Darren McCrellis at Skullduggery in Belfast, Northern Ireland

81. Finishing the flower. Zen Puailiau at Ink Drop Tattoo Shop in Bellingham, WA.

80. Captured moment tattoos…Eric Johnson…Virginia

79. Third-Eye Sun by Chong Tramontana at Big Trouble Tattoo – San Diego, California

78. Tomie done by Mike at MikeCT Tattoo in Landau, Germany

77. Eric Wing, Brunswick Maine, Altered Image Tattoo

76. Something a little different! Nick Judkins, Good Times Tattoo – Sugar House UT

75. Lost in Space, Found on Time by Cam Jennings, Vancouver BC

74. By Shae Sullivan at Haunted Heart Tattoo in Tulsa

73. My very first tattoo from Danny Brooks at Hollow Bones Studio in Norwich UK

72. new sick tat by Daan boets @ old yellow bricks tattoo Haarlem

71. Junji Ito’s Uzumaki, done by Avery Nelson at Low Creek Tattoos in Denver, Co

70. Hammer head shark by Jesse Bink @ Timmy Tattoo – Huntington Village, NY

69. My boss Jason did this one. Sioux City, Iowa. 2021

68. Done by Paige Bates, Tried & True Tattoos, Durban, SA

67. Peony’s eye , authorial work by Penaforte Art, city São Paulo, country- Brazil.

66. My take on the eye of Odin. Done by Jade at Lochnar Tattoos, Saskatoon. Will post a healed pick in a week or two.

65. What do you guys think of my scar cover up

64. (WIP) Venetian Mask with some Filigree done by Roman Abrego at the Colorado Tattoo Convention. Roman’s shop Artistic Element Tattoos is loated in Yucaipa, California. Still needs another session to finish but will post an update when this heals. /r/all

63. Some shroomies I got done yesterday. By Andrew Farmer at Jackson Street Tattoo Company, Seattle

62. My 1 day old palm tattoo by Deathorglory666 at Monarch Tattoo in Wellington, New Zealand

61. Eyeball done by solly @ rumpleinkskin middlesbrough england

60. A few new tattoos from Dylan Mott at Sacrament Tattoo in Austin, TX

59. Hp Lovecraft inspired tattoo done by Sapo at Scorpion Studios in Houston, Tx. Proud of this baby 🙂

58. Something simple but “eye” catching. Done by Gus at Art Official tattoos in Houston, Tx

57. My first tattoo done by Emmett Clarke at Allstar Ink. Limerick, Ireland.

56. Got this fun little eye done by Rosalyn at Salon Serpent, Amsterdam, Netherlands

55. Realistic Eye tattoo

54. Beautiful green eye tattoo

53. Traditional Best 3D Eye Tattoo On Inside Arm

52. Amazing 3D Eye Tattoo Made On Back Arm

51. Beautiful eye tattoo on back

50. Realistic 2D black-ink eye tattoo on palm

49. Hyper-realistic Eye Tattoo on Back

48. Sweet 3D Eye Tattoo On Man’s Arm

47. Realistic eye tattoo

46. Scary eye tattoo

45. eye tattoos on neck

44. Black And Grey Crying Eye Tattoo On Hand

43. Beautiful Eye tattoo on hand

42. Stunning & Realistic Eye Tattoo

41. Tattoos of the Mighty “Eye of Providence”

40. Watercolor eye tattoo

39. Large Watercolor Eye Tattoo

38. Arm eye tattoo

37. Nice eye tattoo

36. Beehive and Realism Eye Black and Gray Tattoo

35. Crying eye tattoo

34. Dimi K eye tattoo

33. Mind-Blowing Realistic Eye Tattoo

32. Space Eye Tattoo

31. Eye Tattoo

30. Dot Work Eye Tattoo

29. Attractive Eye Tattoo On Girl Left Back Shoulder

28. Eye Tattoos Idea

27. Realistic Eye

26. Awesome Black Ink Eye Tattoo On Sleeve

25. Red Rose And Eye Tattoo On Left Sleeve

24. Arm Eye Clock Tattoo

23. Grey ink eye in heart tattoo on sleeve

22. Rose with eye and butterfly tattoo

21. Crying eyes tattoo

20. 3D Black Ink Eye Tattoo Design For Wrist

19. 3d eye tattoo

18. Eye Tattoo On Shoulder

17. Eye Tattoo Design

16. Fierce tiger eye tattoo

15. The Third Eye Tattoo On Chest

14. Green realistic eye tattoo biomech tattoo

13. Realistic Eye Tattoo on Arm

12. Eye Tattoo

11. 3D eye tattoo on arm

10. Back Shoulder Eye Tattoo for Women

09. Trippy Realist Eye Tattoo

08. Black lovely eye tattoo

07. More amazing eye tattoo

06. Smoky eye tattoo

05. Big Eyes Tattoo On Back

04. Evil Eye Tattoo

03. Color Ink Eye Tattoo On Bicep

02. Realistic Colorful Illuminati Eye Tattoo On Half Sleeve

01. Mind Blowing Crying Eye Tattoo

How did you like our collection of eye tattoos, do send us your entries of tattoo ideas and we will publish them on this website with your name and source. Also subscribe below for our daily email newsletter and enjoy the tattoo collection.