25. Finally after waiting 15 plus years we are getting started on my back piece. I am loving it so far. Still have a ways to go but so happy with it so far. My artist is Jaren Lamb at Bad Lamb Studios in Phoenix.

24. My friend gave me my first tat! Love her designs. Thinking about getting it coloured in. Her names Binksy and she’s in Toronto

23. Cowgirl Head by Kaden at Ghost Type Tattoo in Fort Collins, CO

22. Darth Vader, Death Star piece done by Mel at Unforgettable Ink in Coral Springs, FL. Sleeve is almost complete!

21. A death themed sleeve by Ajay Resha in Colorado Springs, CO at Leftys Tattoo

20. Praise the sun! Solaire by Jesse @ Dark Horse Tattoo Phoenix AZ.

19. Traditional Gotham By Gaslight Batman at ILoveYouTattoo Oakland California

18. Angler Fish from Noah at 1912 Tattoo in Arizona

17. Greek key arm band by America Lee from Ink and Dagger (Roswell, GA)

16. Mandala with rubies by Mojo Tattoo in NYC

15. MF DOOM mask done by Jeremy at Evolvink Studios in Morristown, NJ

14. An eye catcher. Done by Lee Reynolds, Lights Out Tattoo Shop, Leeds UK

13. Rooster done by Jeein at Vestige Tattoo in Brooklyn, NY

12. working on a botanical patchwork sleeve! newest addition is a coffee plant, done by paul @ welcome tattoo in durham, nc

11. Death before decaf by joe furio @ broadkill tattoo company, Milton DE

10. I got a Luna moth as a symbol for my daughter, who’s name is also Luna. — tattoo done by Haru at Tattoo Artisans in Honolulu, HI

09. Nautilus and skull by Natz at Sativa Tattoo Bogotá, Colombia

08. My artist’s take on a Mandelbrot Set, by Robert Thompson at Sinners and Saints in Lubbock Texas. What should I get next

07. Tomie, Junji Ito by Abi at Cowboys Tattoo in Texas

06. Butter done by Danny G at solid gold in elmont,ny

05. Some Kodamas I got from Betsy Butler @ The Guilded Mermaid in Hollywood, South Carolina a few years ago

04. Boneville under the Millennium Force (Cedar Point) — done by Amanda Marie at Slave to the Needle, Seattle, WA

03. My latest tattoo by Jay Joree, Third Eye Gallery in Dallas TX

02. In love with my leg piece! Done by Julie at Imago Tattoo in Montreal

01. Reposting because first post got removed. Got my first tattoo done by an old friend, Cullen Quinn out of Heart of Gold Tattoo in Philly.