25. Salvador Dali portrait by Jessie Rose at Electric Panther Tattoo in Little Rock, AR

24. 3rd of 7 Dragonball tattoos done by different artists. Done by Rocket @ Sanctuary Tattoo Gallery in Milwaukee

23. Chest tat finished! (Still healing) By Donovan Haddock at Divine Moment in Burlington, NC

22. new sick tat by Daan boets @ old yellow bricks tattoo Haarlem

21. Half Moon Bay by Adam Sky, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, Bay Area, California

20. Jimmy P. Full Hearts Tattoo Fort Walton Beach, FL

19. Progress tattoo. Session 3. Done by Monk at Infinite art studio. Toledo Ohio.

18. (My personal) London skyline, by Josie Sexton at Gothika Tattoo, Redcar, UK

17. Got some trad style Pokemon tattoos! (By Josh Trunfull @Living art tattoo, Plymouth)

16. got a spiky boy done by Nick Mella at Grace & Glory, Murfreesboro TN

15. My Beach Boys tattoo – Providence Tattoo, Providence, RI

14. Over the Garden Wall by Jason Thomas @ Moon Tattoo in Austin, Texas

13. Junji Ito’s Uzumaki, done by Avery Nelson at Low Creek Tattoos in Denver, Co

12. First tattoo! Done by Bram Boeman at Joris&Co tattoos in Amsterdam

11. Haunter Ripping-apart by Androidoh at blackandbluetattoo in SF

10. Gurren Lagann Ankle Tattoo done by Eli Rusakov at Studio City Tattoo in Studio City, California

09. Neo Traditional gypsy lady head done by Mindy at Bold Traditions in Middletown, Ohio.

08. The lioness by Miss Breeze AU. This is the start of my half sleeve

07. A few from Carlos Perez out of Magic Eye Tatoo. Philadelphia, PA

06. Astronaut half sleeve done by Brandon @ Stabbyzz Ink – Toronto, Canada

05. Japanese style dragon by Declan at Black Lotus Tattoo Gallery in Hanover, MD

04. Collaboration between Andrea Kroki & Felix Bucca. Done at Space Ink Tattoo in Milazzo, Italy.

03. The infamous tiger stare, by myself, Matt @Ink Dépendance Tattoo, France

02. “you’d think they’d never seen a girl and a cat on a broom before.” on my forearm done by kyrsta lannigan at summerland studios in salem, or

01. The Squidstine Chapel & my first tattoo by Brian Harris Phoenix Tattoo, Raleigh NC