25. Geometrical/Dotwork sleeve in progress mostly done by Wagner Basei in Amsterdam (Salon Serpent Tattoo)

24. Dead Man’s Hand by Victor at Long Island Ink. Sutton, Surrey, UK

23. Deltarune symbol from Undertale, by Becca at House of Wolves, Hull UK.

22. The result of our first session (wolf, capricorn, caduceus, maple leaf). Couldn’t be happier. Done by Stephen Barnard at Libertine Tattoo in Lethbridge, Alberta

21. Anatomical Plague Doctor done by Jamison at Seppeku Tattoo in Bloomingdale, NJ.

20. Nikola Tesla with Tesla coil. By Jay at Electric Gnome Tattoo, Tulsa

19. Fall season half sleeve completed @outerlimits tattoo shop in Long Beach C.A.

18. Haku by Jason Weaver from Renaissance Tattoos in San Clemente, CA

17. My first tattoo, old school guitar done by Keng at Love Tattoo Studio, Kata Beach, Phuket.

16. My Gohan tattoo done by Andy at Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Tattoos in chicopee, MA

15. The man in black done by Jacob at Tatty McTatts in El Cajon, Ca

14. Castlevania – Tattoo & Photo by Eddie Stacey @Ink & Dagger in Roswell, GA

13. Castle in the Sky, Laputa symbol: done by Eva at Metamorph Studios in Chicago

12. My new favourite tattoo by Diogo Pereira at Gypsy Stables, London

11. Grizzly Bear by Sabrina Elliotte at Two Pillars Tattoo in Richmond, VA

10. Tattoo I got the other day for my sisters, watching over them Zeus. By AJ at arrows ink, San Antonio, TX

09. Mandarin goby by Megan Mac @ Mercy Seat in Kansas City, MO

08. My shark and diver on the calf. Tattooist: Mikey Sharks. Shop: Mans ruin St. Kilda

07. Best friend tattoos with my main squeeze. Aaron Crocker, Iron Mountain Tattoo Redding, CA

06. Frida Kahlo done by Mike Frame at Bold Statement Tattoos and Piercing Emporium Greenville, Mi

05. Duality represented by the Gemini twins. Done by the amazing Kylie at Art Machine Productions in Philadelphia, PA.

04. My first tattoo! Jenn Willits, Brass and Bones, Winnipeg MB

03. Marceline from Adventure Time done by Karmely from Mama’s Pride Tattoo in Tallinn

02. peaches, apples, lemons & mulberries by Amber Kate Kelly of Rising Tide in Sydney

01. Modern style norse tattoo By Martin Beresford at Garths tattos, England, kent.