25. Whitechapel ( band ) logo done by Nick York at Dark Age Tattoo in Denton TX

24. Barn swallows by John Williams at Iron Anchor Tattoo/ Fallon, Nevada

23. Three apes done by Aneta at Tattoo Euforia in Nuremberg, Germany

22. Got this beauty at Kollektivhummelstein in Nuremberg, Germany. Name of the artist is „Hackepeter“. Love it!

21. My first tattoo (about a year ago) done my Matt Carlisle at the Sero Tattoo Collective In Columbus, Ohio. (Re-uploading because the format removal)

20. Half sleeve done by Joshua Kunkel at Ikonic Ink in State College, PA

19. A Canadian Maple Leaf with values close to.my heart and a hidden bit of home. Done by Harley at Depression Ink in Stouffville ON.

18. Cobra Flash by Julia Campione at Good Omen Tattoo in Chicago

17. My first tattoo! Done by Jason Drager at mantra tattoo. Lakewood, CO

16. Memorial piece for my grandma by Jamison Stagaard, Fortified Tattoo co. Lompoc, CA

15. Finally got my chest started. Raven with dreamcatcher. Done by Jonny, with Boise Tattoo Co, in Boise, ID.

14. Progress of a cover up over a chaos peace sign by tina marie at the inkuisition in eht, nj

13. First of many. Done by Eric Bovenzi @ Stone the Crow, Rockville

12. My third tattoo: Anne Bonny by Steve Wetherington at Mad Ethel’s in Raleigh NC

11. Mom and I got matching tattoos! Her first (and probably only). Done by Turtle at Red Octopus Tattoos in Crofton, MD

10. 1/2 of my half sleeve completed today by Brian at Immortal Impressions Newmarket ON Canada

09. Kasa-Obake done by Ganji @ Black Throne Tattoo in Brisbane, Australia.

08. Destiny raid symbol done by Dallas David at Canvas tattoo and Art Gallery in Charlotte, NC

07. Kitsune with mask. Made by Mario Higa at Zhimpa Tattoo, in Lima.

06. Got a pentocular goat on my thigh this weekend. Done by Watson of Abaddon studios while guesting at Origin art gallery and tattoo studio in Folsom CA.

05. My first tattoo. The Sad Ghost Club, by Solomon at Vishnu Bunny, South Dakota

04. Traditional Octopus Tattoo Done by Max Trepanier at Savvy Tattoo Shop in Mtl

03. Two headed goat by Kaylie Seaver at the Ink Spot in Ottawa, Ontario, sorry for the glare!

02. Black and Gray Space Sleeve. By Tyler Andrews at Have and Hold Tattoo, Boise, ID

01. A sad flower girl for my birthday! By Sabrina Elliott at Powell Tattoos in Portland, OR