25. Atlas Titan by Luiz Paulo Mrozkowski from Kairós Studio. (Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil)

24. Snake and Flowers by Rowan Starr at Central Tattoo Studio in Philadelphia

23. Perseus & Medusa by Neal Bridson @ Cult Classic, Romford, Essex, UK.

22. Moth by Shaun Madison at Purgatory Tattoo, Albany NY!

21. Finaly done! By Vanessa Kanate ( Tattoo Hornet Zagreb)

20. My Gaia tattoo got finished yesterday. Jamie Martin at Dimensions Tattoo in South Hill Va

19. Snake and flowers tat by Richard Richardson at Hepcat Tattoo in Glasgow. highly recommend richard and all the guys at hepcat!!

18. Robots & Dinosaurs full sleeve by Jason @ Freaks and Geeks in Portland, OR

17. Lost in Space, Found on Time by Cam Jennings, Vancouver BC

16. Flower by Krimson Diary @Sakura Tattoo Amsterdam

15. Cyborg arm designed and tattooed by me Jeff Croci of 7th son tattoo in San Francisco

14. Snake and peonies done by Eli Flannagen at Evergreen Tattoo Company in Dayton Ohio

13. First Tattoo! From Cabelo @ Tattoo Ink – São Paulo

12. Skeleton Warrior by Hugo at Inkzone, Bègles, France

11. Finished the last little details on this piece, done by Tyler Nguyen out of My Little Needle Tattoos, Plymouth, MI

10. Kawaii Red Panda by VickyB at Trapdoor Tattoo, England UK

09. Demon with a Halo (4 sessions with a few more to go), Rob Grapes @ Grapes Designs, Scottsville, KY

08. Opposite Best Friend Tattoos by Mickey D at Black Kat Tattoo in New Bern, NC

07. My new chest tattoo done by Rodjie Silvestre at SlickStyledSteel in Montreal.

06. Just got my Sisyphus climbing the mountain. By Mostafa from Inkvinci, Cairo, Egypt.

05. Cobra by Ralph Stuff from Oldenburg, Germany

04. Hibiscus and Forget-Me-Not flowers from Chino at Marked Marvel’s in Michigan

03. Felt inspired from another redditor so I also got a kick flipping wizard from Karissa at ninth wave tattoo Asbury NJ

02. Jackalope by Lisa Korz at Don’t Look Down in Kelowna, BC

01. Chrysanthemum. Jake Gordon @ Patty’s Downtown (Morgantown, WV)