25. Shell by Erika Vendett at Welcome Home Studio in Greenpoint, BK

24. My Second Tattoo, done by Phoebe Kirkland, Flawless Tattoo Studio, Stoke on Trent.

23. Got this Death Moth tonight by Chandler Bass at Blu Gorilla tattoo in Goose Creek SC

22. David and the Goliath by Faye Engler Mystic Man Tattoo in Platteville Wisconsin

21. My American Traditional Planchette. Done by Josh at Three Fates Tattoo in Pensacola FL ~3 hours.

20. My first tattoo done by Emi Stone at Sellwood Tattoo in Portland, OR. A piece for my cats, Pearl and Wasabi (pearl in the mouth and wasabi flowers on top and bottom). 3 hours, color scheduled in January!

19. My first tattoo, a sketchy style adorable kiwi – by Chris at Dreamhands Tattoo in Auckland, New Zealand

18. Shinobu Kocho demon slayer tattooed by Cesar at nite owl tattoo IG: vi_tenebris

17. To commemorate the beginning of my coursework for PA school. Done by Brian Paul at Atlas Tattoo in Portland, OR

16. Raven Tattoo by Micah Norman at Holy Scythe Tattoo in San Jose, California

15. One of my favorite tattoos. Jen Jacques, Red Sparrow Tattoo, Portland.

14. Chrysanthemum & Hellebore by Jessi at Curiosity Shop in Pittsburgh, PA

13. Rolled the dice for a random “you get what you get” flash at LaRudes in Killeen TX. Artist : Rich Reynolds.

12. Gaggle of snakes by Zach Crisp at Golden Spiral Studios in Greensboro, NC.

11. Freehand work by Curly at Tattoo Club of Great Britain in Oxford

10. Bowie tattoo, Amy Wolf, Naga in Ghent, Belgium

09. My first tattoo done by Alice T at Fox and the Machine Tattoo in Calgary, Alberta.

08. Foo Dog Beneath the Bodhi Tree, By Patrick – Chronic Ink Tattoo, Toronto

07. Tattoo done in one 6-hour session by Jonathan Santos at Skull Museum Tattoo in Sacramento, California

06. WIP sleeve, bow wielding rooster, traditional japanese style by Billy Hay, bath street tattoo collective, Glasgow, Scotland

05. I got this killer skull astronaut by Kodi Ellis at Fountain Square Tattoo in Indianapolis

04. Haku by Dee from New Addiction Tattoo in RI

03. Stranger Things Piece by Rachel Baldwin at Bold as Brass, Liverpool, UK.

02. First ink. Memento Mori/Skull and flowers. Done by Blake Heppell – Skin FX Gold Coast.

01. My new goth crow bro freshly done by Nicole Reid at Set Sail Tattoo in Irvine Ayrshire