16. A couple more pieces done by Darryl Flesher, Roadhouse tattoo studio, Saltaire, West Yorkshire, UK.

15. Stvn Greyer at Elysian Ink in Urbandale, IA

14. Quill pen for first tattoo by Ben at Next Level Tattoo in Gulf Shores, AL

13. Fresh leaf vine from Jay at The Mercy Seat Tattoo KCMO

12. Sakura branch by Luis Cruz at Silversnake Tattoo in Guadalajara, Mexico (in progress, 1st of 2 sessions)

11. Done by Aeree at Copper Grotto Inkworks in Council Bluffs, IA

10. A bunch of mistletoe and snowdrops created by Amélie @ Hyperdark ink tattoo, Didcot UK.

09. Fresh Venus Fly Trap by Ellen Goodrich @ Old Souls Tattoo Parlour in KCMO

08. My coffee plant tattoo, done by Alisha Rice, formerly at Think Tank Tattoo (Now at Tattoo Dumond) in Denver, CO

07. Dani Catloli, Tattootime, Bristol UK.

06. Monstera tattoo by Kim at Enova Ink in North Kansas City. I’m in love with it!

05. Floral, realistic sleeve art by Dylan Riverdale @ 13 Black Cats, Ontario, CA

04. Lavender done by Lorin at Red Five in Virginia Beach

03. Texas Bluebonnet by Nora (@nora_ink) at sashtattooingla in LA, CA

02. Got tattoo 3 days ago on back, and it’s not oozing, scabbing or peeling. Is that normal, in UK

01. Fig branch done by Megan at The Edge Tattoo in South Windsor, CT