25. Tatted by my guys June & Ken from Tatted Loose in Hollywood, FL (forearm tatt was the most painful one).

24. My sis, bro and I got matching tattoos! [J-P diamond ink, Montreal, Cacanada]

23. I had to get Frankenstein themed tattoo, based on a design by The Literary Emporium, done by James at Infinity Ink Coventry

22. Peace, Love, and Positivity. Done by Hayden at Infinity Ink Tattoo, Sturgis, Michigan.

21. Victorian hand mirror tattoo by Sabrina Elliott in Richmond VA

20. My grandmother is fighting pancreatic cancer. She is my best friend and I’ve always wanted to get her tattooed on me. While it’s not perfectly identical to the original it was close. My feelings about it change everyday.

19. Healed life cycle of star. Done by Ben Klishevskiy at Banana Tattoo in Moscow. Total work 22 hours in 4 sessions 17.- 18. 24.- 25. February.

18. First ever tattoo, 6 years ago. By Timmy Dykes, Smilin’ Ricks in Denton Texas. Very spontaneous but it’s a goodie and it fostered a love of ink. He was an apprentice at the time, if I remember right.

17. HEALED Lotus watercolor-Vincent-Manila 2016; Swallow bird Watercolor- Naz-Albay Tattoos Best-Legazpi Cuty, Philippines-2019

16. Healed tattoo, done by Dee Dee Seruga at Ever After Gallery in Spring Hill, FL. Tribute to my Greek father who passed away in February.

15. Wise Owl. Designed and given by Hannah Skalsky while she was at All Saints Tattoo, Austin Texas, November 2016.

14. Healed tattoo of my daughter, done by Daniel armitage from no love lost tattoo in bowmanville,ontario,canada

13. Healed backpiece outline by Robert Kloth at Underground Tattoo Studio, Aalborg. Bit over a month old at this point.

12. Chef Haunter by Tom at Rabbits Den Tattoo in Milltown, NJ

11. (Month old)Beginning of a foo dog sleeve done by Ande Chambers Quill & Talon tattoo VA Beach

10. “Punk till the death of me” by Dustin Hoppe at Red Yeti Ink, Longview Washington

09. Healed eagle by David Steed @ Elm Street Tattoo – Dallas, TX

08. 1972 Selmer Mark VI Alto Sax. About 3 months healed. Dan Grueling at Human Condition, Pembroke NH

07. Weird little dude taken from a 1500’s woodcut, done by Babavesterka at Crucible, Melbourne

06. Healed. Done by Cam Sevigne at Great Spirits Greenfield, Ma.

05. 4 month heals and was supposed to get coloured this past weekend but had to postpone. Work done by Dan @ Honour Bound Calgary AB

04. Healed killer whale sleeve in progress, 1st session in Feb, 2nd in March. Artist Kiku at Invisible in NYC.

03. New to Reddit, figured ’d start by showing you guys my chest throat done about 4 years ago. Done by Garrett S in Denver, CO. He’s currently at Think Tank Tattoo!

02. My crash bandicoot tattoos. Uka Uka and Aku Aku. Done by Steve at Black Ohm Tattoos in Whistler BC, each tattoo took about 7 hours.

01. Antonin Mercie’s Joan of Arc done two years ago by Brooke Englehart of Evoke Tattoo (Chicago, IL)