25. Clipper ship with roses done by Beatdown aka the shiplord at Great Lakes Tattoo, Chicago IL. Ship flash by Erik Gillespie and roses flash by Chip Douglas. Came out great.

24. “Hand”ala Tattoo, Jesse Kuzniarski, Brightside Tattoo shop, Baltimore MD

23. Kid Cudi Satellite Flight cover art done by Andre Muentes at Whiskey River Tattoo in Virginia Beach

22. Bob from Animal Crossing by Joseph Nguyen at Flow Tattoo, Toronto, Canada

21. The Sloth, Graeme Allan, Sacred Tattoo Auckland, NZ.

20. Oni Girl w/ kitsune mask, Bob Jones, Esoteric Tattoo, Portland, Oregon

19. Done by Chris Dolsen @ Silver Eagle Tattoo Company in Columbus-Ft. Benning, GA. Just in time for cuffing szn

18. Fresh Owl and skull by Frank at Chase The Glory Tattoos in Brooklin, Ontario

17. Snake and Eagle by Alex Garcia at Sac City Tattoo, Sacramento CA

16. My first (rooster) and second tattoos, done by Natasha Bertram at Brown Brothers Tattoo in Chicago

15. My latest fineline by Doodle, Wicked Sensations, Chillicothe, OH

14. Watercolor Tree done by Orio Guevara at Rose Gold in San Francisco, CA

13. Currently studying abroad and wanted to commemorate these difficult few months. By Jhon from RAD Tattoo Shop. Davao, Philippines.

12. Rosemaling done by Paige Hinshaw @ Crimson Tattoo, KC,MO

11. My Overseer Owl, by Sam at Ink Trails. Issaquah WA

10. Medusa breaking free by David Poe at Moon Tattoo in Austin, TX

09. Golduck x Daredevil mashup. Lines are healed, done by myself, Brad Gogan at Northern Sword Tattoos in Saint John, NB, Canada.

08. Medusa before and after, coverup by Cory Tabler @ Attitudes in Muskegon MI

07. First tattoo! Zelda’s Lullaby, done by Katie Nowicki at Stingray in Allston MA

06. Cow jumped over the moon done by Fan Wu at Gristle in Brooklyn, NY.

05. Flower / Skull / mandala done by Keno, Canberra Ink Studio, Canberra Australia.

04. My First Tattoo: Busted TV. By Usmy Vuitton at Thundercat Tattoo Studio, Nottingham, UK.

03. Geisha (in progress) by David Hoang at Chronic Ink Toronto

02. My friends and I got our Tattoos at the same shop! All Sacred Tattoo in CO. Done by Jayce Wallingford and Aries Rhysing

01. Geometric Owl, by Nick at Mos Eisleys West Michigan